Every Thing But What I Needed

Every Thing But What I Needed

We were staying at an RV park in Texas last year when our refrigerator started to make that dreadful noise. Fortunately I have done some appliance repair in my time and this was not a hard repair to do. All I needed was the right part. So it was off to find the right part for the job.

I checked the internet for RV parts Texas, and found a dealer close to our campgrounds. It was a pleasant drive to his place of business, as it is always nice to get out and see the countryside. We followed the directions and came upon the correct address. We figured that we were at the right place as the sign read “RV Parts and Accessories”.

It wasn’t quite what we had pictured in our minds as to what the place would look like. Most of the parts looked like salvaged RV parts, but he also had a lot of new parts also.

We made our way to the counter past a couple of old men playing checkers on a nearly broken down table and a dog sleeping in the middle of the floor. The owner came from the back room wiping his hands on a shop towel and said: May I help you? I told him what I needed and he scratched his head before replying. He said that he didn’t carry too many RV Winnebago parts and he doubted if he had the part that I needed.

There were RV parts and accessories everywhere. He had RV pop up tent parts, RV stove parts, RV range replacement parts, but not the part that I needed.

I asked if there was another RV parts and service dealer close by. He told me that he did not know of any, but we might check the local flea market. So with his advice it was off to the flea market.

After about an hour of looking at antique glass bottles, used clothing, and guns for sale, we discovered that there was no dealer selling RV parts at the flea market. There were people selling so called RV wholesale parts, but they had only individual parts and no selection. We were getting hot and the greasy steak burgers did not look inviting, so we decided to return to the campgrounds.

We were planning to return home in two days, so we stopped by a gas station and loaded up on ice. We figured that it was easier to keep buying ice for the refrigerator than to search for parts in the hot Texas sun.

When we returned home, I took our unit to our local dealer and it was fixed in less than an hour. It is so easy when you have the right part.