Ways to wear your accessories
Finding jewelry and searching for the perfect belt or hair band can be difficult but why search when you can make the best out of what you already have. By all means do go shopping if your selection is limited but you’ll be surprised how many items we have in our closets because we simply don’t see any other use for them. But with most accessories the great part is you can use them make your outfit look classy and sheik with just adding bracelets or necklaces. But you can make the best out what you have with these simple steps.
1. Scarves. Scarves are not only great for keeping warm but they are good for several things. Silk scarves are great for all seasons so pay attention to the fabric that you choose whether it is silk or cotton. Scarves can be used for head bands, belts high waits or low, an accessory to your hand bag and many more. Great painted silk scarves can be found at womenclothingtoday.com
2. Bangles. Having bracelets are fine but bangle are more common and can be found for cheaper prices. Just using about 5 silver bangles can make a difference when you want to be casual with a hint of shine.
3. Paper boy hats. These hats are great because they give off a tom boyish feel but also a unique look for any woman. The material to look out for on these hats is polyester and cotton. Some have little belt buckles on them or stylish fold that you can find at Target.com or the department store itself.
4. Cotton Tote bags. Not only are these durable but they serve a great purpose for school or work. You can find them with great designs already or another great perk with these bags is that you can make a design on it yourself. You have your own canvas to paint. Bags like these are very common at Wal-Mart.
5. Messenger Bags. These bags are very small and convenient enough to hang alongside your waist. These bags are good for when you go to amusement parks or go out shopping with friends. Some have just enough space for a wallet and camera while others are large enough to hold maybe a snack or two as well.
6. Necklaces. They can come in all sizes but the best and yet the most known trend is the necklace that nearly reaches your waist. Getting a beaded necklace or something similar gives you space to make the chain shorter or longer whenever you choose.
7. Hooped earrings. You can never go wrong with having this accessory. Not only can it be found at many boutiques because of their popularity you can also rest assured that these never go out of style.
All accessories are good to keep but sometimes we loose sight of what we may already have in our possessions when we could just wear the most simplest of things and look great. With items like belts and scarves they can be worn different ways. While there are other accessories don’t go out style so that you can enjoy them always.
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